Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Bush and Crew Lied 953 Times About Iraq

This is probably old news to most, but it is very precise and documented. At today one can find a report on the Center for Public Integrity that documents 953 specific cases of outright lies by Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, and Rice about Iraq during the two years following 9/11/01. Some of these lies are simply outrageous and clearly fully conscious that they are lies by those uttering them when they did. Let the record stand.


  1. Q: How can you tell when they're lying?

    A: Their lips are moving.

  2. I guess when you lie about any thing other than sexual activity its not such a big deal in todays Congress. That's the real problem. The "founding fathers" foresaw the likelihood of deceit and deception in the Executive Branch. It is a primary reason that we have this tricameral form of government. One branch is supposed to counteract the wrong doings of the other. When is that going to happen? The level of deceit related to the inception of the Iraqi war is inconceivable in a democracy. It might be regarded as treasonous if any one in the Congress had a conscience.

  3. A correction. It was only 935 documented lies, not 953.


  4. So the White House and their minions have decided this report is bogus as it did not talk about all those alleged lies from Democrats. Gee - I never knew Bill Clinton was still President on 3/19/2003!

  5. Barkley - they identified 935 lies. That doesn't mean we won't later realize there were another 18 other statements that turned out to be clearly false. Or was that another 1800 lies? The Sandwichman's comment has this 100% correct!


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