Sunday, February 15, 2009

Minute Dream

By the Sandwichman

I woke up this morning and glanced over at the clock. It was 7:08. Then I dozed off again and started to dream. I dreamed I turned on a light and the light bulb burned out. I woke up and looked at the clock. It was 7:09.


  1. S-man,

    Maybe indeed the power had gone out and the clock stopped?

  2. Seems like your analyzing and interpreting so much, your unconscious mind is ruminating about turning off the lights. So when you wake up what do you do? You analyze this event. OMG - you're caught in a mind trap!

  3. The act of turning on the light was symbolic of your admiration for, and dreams about, the new Administration. The burn out of the bulb was symbolic of reality rearing its head (within your dreams.)

  4. How many free-market economists does it take to change a lightbulb?

    None. If you wait long enough, the lightbulb really should change itself...


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