Monday, October 26, 2009

Happy Motoring

All I can say is thank God for James Howard Kunstler.
Like a lot of other observer-interlocutors, I'd like to know what folks imagine we are recovering to. To a renewed orgy of credit-card spending? To yet another round of suburban expansion, with the boys in the yellow hard-hats driving stakes out in the sagebrush for another new thousand-unit pop-up "community?" For a next generation of super-cars built to look like medieval war wagons? That's the "hope" that our officials seem to pretend to offer. It's completely inconsistent with any reality-based trend-lines, by the way.


  1. Yeah! I now have a job to hate! With a commute I detest...

  2. They tell me that, in five years, if I am lucky, my government will shake me down to bail out my credit card company all over again.

    Things are looking up!

  3. James Galbraith has discussed the need for readjusting the way we Americans live in order to cope with the realities of Peak Oil and Climate Change. From the Predator State.

  4. There's a review by Randall Wray of Galbraith's The Predator State at Economist's View. Funny these coincidences. I've often agreed with Jamie's analysis in the past and like his prose, too. Let me get something straight, though, about his metaphor. Are we to turn this "predator" into a herbivore by engrossing it with job creation programs? How does this work? Is there a statistical test to show that it will work? And what if it doesn't? Don't we just end up with a bigger, fatter, hungrier predator state?

    Inquiring minds...


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