Friday, April 9, 2010

Will DeMint And Inhofe Apologize To Al Gore?

After the biggest of the snowstorms hit Washington this winter, Senators DeMint (R-SC) and Inhofe (R-OK) were mocking Al Gore (and many others) over the supposed end of global warming, hah hah hah! Well, it is cooler today, but this week has seen record high temperatures in the Washington area, and where I am two hours away by car in Virginia, the first time ever that temperatures have topped 90 degrees F in early April. Will we hear them apologize and change their tunes?

Now, of course I do not buy into that this week's temperatures around here show doodley-squat about long-run global temperature trends, just as they should have recognized the same regarding the colder temperatures than seen for quite a few years in this area (but hardly record levels) and the record-setting snowfall levels (actually consistent with global warming due to the greater amounts of water vapor in the air). Oh, and just for the record, the latest report is that January 2010 was #5 in all time recorded global average temperature, Feb 10 was #3, and March 10 was #4, with NASA now predicting that 2010 is likely to beat the all time record for a 12-month period, although I think we'll have to wait on that one and see. In any case again, DeMint and Inhofe are looking pretty silly, but I shall not be holding my breath for their acknowledgement of same or any apologies to anybody.

1 comment:

  1. "DeMint and Inhofe are looking pretty silly, but I shall not be holding my breath for their acknowledgement of same or any apologies to anybody."

    You're assuming that either of the two have any serious thoughts on the matter of global climate change, or for that matter on any serious issue. They can't look silly if they can't reflect back on their own opinions and comments.
    I'd guess that they keep their mirrors covered for fear of showing no reflection at all.


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