Thursday, March 24, 2011

Quotes About the Global Nuclear Emergency

“We have not four but 13 reactors out of control now. Thirteen reactors have lost capacity to cool. Once a reactor loses capacity to cool, they heat and begin releasing radiation. I do not believe they are not leaking.” [1]
“Mitsuhiko Tanaka says he helped conceal a manufacturing defect in the ... steel vessel installed at the Fukushima Dai-Ichi No. 4 reactor ..Tanaka has called [the reactor] a “time bomb,”...When Tokyo Electric sent a representative to check on their progress, Hitachi distracted him by wining and dining him... Rather than inspecting the part, they spent the day playing golf and soaking in a hot spring, he said. The guy wouldn’t have known what he was looking at anyway,” Tanaka said. “The people at the utility have no idea how the parts are made.”…. ... Thirty- six years later, that reactor pressure vessel is the key defense protecting the core of Fukushima’s No. 4 reactor…Two years [after Chernobyl] Tanaka says he went to the Trade Ministry to report the cover-up he’d been involved in more than a decade earlier. The government refused to investigate and Hitachi denied his accusations, he said.” [2]
“So if, for example, one of the reactors at Daiichi goes down, the other five are only a matter of time. We can’t know in what order they will go, but certainly all of them will go. And if that happens, Daini isn’t so far away, so probably the reactors there will also go down. Because I assume that workers will not be able to stay there.” [3]
In 1982, the House Committee on Interior and Insular Affairs received a secret report received from the Nuclear Regulatory Commission called "Calculation of Reactor Accident Consequences 2". In that report and other reports by the NRC in the 1980s, it was estimated that there was a 50% chance of a nuclear meltdown within the next 20 years which would be so large that it would contaminate an area the size of the State of Pennsylvania, which would result in huge numbers of a fatalities, and which would cause damage in the hundreds of billions of dollars (in 1980s dollars). Those reports were kept secret for decades. [4]
“Only one reactor blew at Chernobyl and it was only 3 months old, with new cores holding relatively little radiation; these ones have been operating for 40 years and would hold about 30 times more radiation than Chernobyl’s.” [5]
"There is talk of an apocalypse and I think the word is particularly well chosen. Practically everything is out of control. I cannot exclude the worst in the hours and days to come." [6]
"When I held up samples of the rocks the plant was sitting on, they crumbled like sugar in my fingers. "But the power company told us these were really solid rocks!" the reporters said. I asked, "Do you think these are really solid?' and they started laughing." [7]
[1] Exclusive: Fukushima babies, pregnant women nuclear fallout rescue underway
Deborah Dupre (* Human Rights Examiner) March 23rd, 2011 1:32 pm ET

[2] Fukushima Smoking Gun Emerges: Founding Engineer Says Reactor 4 Has Always Been A “Time Bomb”, Exposes Criminal Cover Up. Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge. March 23, 2011

[3] What They're Covering Up at Fukushima By HIROSE TAKASHI
Introduced by Douglas Lummis. Okinawa
"You Get 3,500,000 the Normal Dose. You Call That Safe? And What Media Have Reported This? None!"

[4] Governments Have Been Covering Up Nuclear Meltdowns for Fifty Years to Protect the Nuclear Power Industry. Saturday, March 19, 2011

[5] Caldicott: Japan may spell end of nuclear industry worldwide. Thursday, March 17, 2011. Helen Caldicott at

[6] Japan nuclear plant disaster: warning of an 'apocalypse’ as fallout hits danger levels. 16th March 2011

Japan's deadly game of nuclear roulette. Sunday, May 23, 2004
By LEUREN MORET. Special to The Japan Times


  1. Other nuclear reactors (apart from Fukushima) have failed as a result of the recent earthquakes. This is (generally) not the subject of report by the mainstream press. In fact the Australian newspaper has given front page attention to George Monbiot's praise of nuclear energy this week.

    Japan Reactor Crisis – Onagawa Reactor Emergency March 2011
    By nuclearhistory

    Emergency Declared in 2nd Nuclear Plant in Japan after Earthquake
    World | March 13, 2011, Sunday

    "A state of emergency has been declared at a Japanese nuclear facility at Onagawa after excessive radiation levels were recorded there following the major earthquake, the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) announced....
    "...At Onagawa they're saying that there has been a release of radiation but they still don't know exactly what that's come from, whether it was the venting of some high pressure steam or if there's something more substantial happened. That's been declared as a low level emergency but obviously the information that's coming out of there at the moment is fairly scant....
    Source: Power cuts in Japan as nuclear plants shut down
    Shane McLeod reported this story on Monday, March 14, 2011 08:03:00

    VIDEO: 3-22-2011 Tokai Nuclear Plant Hit By Aftershocks, Radiation Escapes, Juan De Fuca Subduction Zone

    Joint Press Release of the FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs (DHSA) and World Health Organization (WHO) Country Liaison Office for Northern Micronesia Statement about Japan Nuclear Crisis
    Press Release #0311-23
    Palikir, Pohnpei – FSM Information Services
    March 24, 2011

    Following the 9.0 magnitude earthquake that occurred in Japan on 11 March 2011, a number of problems have been reported at three Japanese nuclear power plants (Onagawa, Fukushima Daiichi and Fukushima Daini).

    Joint Press Release of the FSM Department of Health and Social Affairs (DHSA) and World Health Organization (WHO) Country Liaison Office for Northern Micronesia Statement about Japan Nuclear Crisis
    Press Release #0311-23
    Palikir, Pohnpei – FSM Information Services
    March 24, 2011

    Following the 9.0 magnitude earthquake that occurred in Japan on 11 March 2011, a number of problems have been reported at three Japanese nuclear power plants (Onagawa, Fukushima Daiichi and Fukushima Daini).

  2. TOKAI nuclear power plant:

    Radiation surging in Ibaraki, Japan. IS A SECOND REACTOR COMPLEX IN TROUBLE?
    Mar 20 16:33

    Webmaster's Commentary:
    The real time radiation monitoring by prefecture is showing radiation levels in the city of Ibaraki going from 639 to 2040 in the last 12 hours! However, Ibaraki is 83 miles from the Fukushima power station!
    But there is another nuclear power station right next to Ibaraki, the Tōkai Nuclear Power Plant, which has one operational reactor and one decommissioned reactor, with an undetermined status of the spent fuel rods. It seems unlikely that radiation from Fukushima is the reason for the radiation surge at Ibaraki in the last 12 hours...


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