Wednesday, June 1, 2022

There is so little real friendship in the world!

On April 27 a bot began viewing one post on EconoSpeak every five minutes. It continued to do so until yesterday when I reverted the post to draft. That's 288 fake views every day for a little over a month. Looking back at overall EconoSpeak traffic there are unexplained spikes that occur every two months or so. Tens of thousands of "views" suddenly appear out of the blue. 

There is so little real friendship in the world.


  1. June 2, 2022

    Michael Tracey @mtracey

    You called for the cessation of AR-15 manufacturing in the US. And yet, these same manufacturers produce AR-15s for the Ukrainian armed forces. Do you want US companies to stop manufacturing AR-15s, or not? I realize this dilemma had probably never occurred to you before

    Michael McFaul @McFaul

    Such a ridiculous argument. Guns sent to Ukraine are used stop an imperial invasion, not slaughter innocent children. Please stop.


    June 2, 2022

    A Disturbing New Pattern in Mass Shootings: Young Assailants
    By Glenn Thrush and Matt Richtel



    June 2, 2022

    Michael Tracey @mtracey

    Democracy Now does the unthinkable and notes the superficiality of the US "gun control" debate, which steadfastly ignores the role of the US as the world's leading arms exporter -- including the current policy of pumping enormous amounts of guns and other weapons into Ukraine

  4. Me, I have no idea about any of these matters. But, when the Mayor of New York who was long a ranking police officer commented that violent crime in New York was very frightening, Paul Krugman pulled out numbers that show New York is not as violent as say 30 years ago.

    Krugman strikes me as a fool in this matter, but I really know nothing.

  5. Editing to soften:

    Krugman strikes me as foolish in this matter...

  6. On the topic of the bot there is a program to help screen out and reject bot log ins (which is common to most websites) and helps to keep more accurate google analytics stats for pageviews

  7. Well, I think that's about the time I discovered your blog, and put it on my Newsblur (RSS reader). My apologies if so...


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