Mr. Calhoun to Mr. Pakenham.
Department Of State,
Washington, April 18, 1844.
The undersigned, Secretary of State of the United States, has laid before the President the note of the right honorable Mr. Pakenham, envoy extraordinary and minister plenipotentiary of Her Britannic Majesty, addressed to this department on the 26th of February last, together with the accompanying copy of a despatch of Her Majesty's Principal Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to Mr. Pakenham. Iu reply, the undersigned is directed by the President to inform the right honorable Mr. Pakenham, that while he regards with pleasure the disavowal of Lord Aberdeen of any intention on the part of Her Majesty's Government "to resort to any measures, either openly or secretly, which can tend to disturb the internal tranquillity of the slaveholding States, and thereby affect the tranquillity of this Union," he at the same time regards with deep concern the avowal, for the first time made to this Government, " that Great Britain desires and is constantly exerting herself to procure the general abolition of slavery throughout the world."
So long as Great Britain confined her policy to the
abolition of slavery in her own possessions and colonies, no other country had
a right to complain. It belonged to her exclusively to determine, according to
her own views of policy, whether it should be done or not. But when she goes
beyond, and avows it as her settled policy, and the object of her constant
exertions, to abolish it throughout the world, she "makes it the duty of all
other countries, whose safety or prosperity may be endangered by her policy, to
adopt such measures as they may deem necessary for their protection.
It is with still deeper concern the President regards the
avowal of Lord Aberdeen of the desire of Great Britain to see slavery abolished
in Texas, and, as he infers, is endeavoring, through her diplomacy, to
accomplish it, by making the abolition of slavery one of the conditions on
which Mexico should acknowledge her independence. It has confirmed his previous
impressions as to the policy of Great Britain in reference to Texas, and made
it his duty to examine with much care and solicitude what would be its effects
on the prosperity and safety of the United States, should she succeed in her
endeavors. The investigation has resulted in the settled conviction that it
would be difficult for Texas, in her actual condition, to resist what she
desires, without supposing the influence and exertions of Great Britain would
be extended beyond the limits assigned by Lord Aberdeen; and that, if Texas
could not resist the consummation of the object of her desire, would endanger
both the safety and prosperity of the Union. Under this conviction, it is felt
to be the imperious duty of the Federal Government, the common representative
and protector of the States of the Union, to adopt, in self-defence, the most
effectual measures to defeat it.
This is not the proper occasion to state at large the
grounds of this conviction. It is sufficient to say, that the consummation of
the avowed object of her wishes in reference to Texas would be followed by
hostile feelings and relations between that country and the United States,
which could not fail to place her under the influence and control of Great
Britain. That, from the geographical position of Texas, would expose the
weakest and most vulnerable portion of our frontier to inroads, and place in
the power of Great Britain the most efficient means of effecting in the
neighboring States of this Union what she avows to be her desire to do in
all countries where slavery exists. To hazard consequences which would be so
dangerous to the prosperity and safety of this Union, without resorting to the
most effective measures to prevent them, would be, on the part of the Federal
Government, an abandonment of the most solemn obligation imposed by the
guarantee which the States, in adopting the Constitution, entered into to
protect each other against whatever might endanger their safety, whether from
without or within. Acting in obedience to this obligation, on which our federal
system of Government rests, the President directs me to inform you that a
treaty has been concluded between the United States and Texas, for the
annexation of the latter to the former as a part of its territory, which will
be submitted without delay to the Senate, for its approval. This step has been
taken as the most effectual, if not the only means of guarding against the
threatened danger, and securing their permanent peace and welfare.
It is well known that Texas has long desired to be annexed
to this Union; that her people, at the time of the adoption of her
Constitution, expressed, by an almost unanimous vote, her desire to that
effect; and that she has never ceased to desire it, as the most certain means
of promoting her safety and prosperity. The United States have heretofore
declined to meet her wishes; but the time has now arrived when they can no
longer refuse, consistently with their own security and peace, and the sacred
obligation imposed by their constitutional compact for mutual defence and
protection. Nor are they any way responsible for the circumstances which have
imposed this obligation on them. They had no agency in bringing about the state
of things which has terminated in the separation of Texas from Mexico. It was
the Spanish Government and Mexico herself which invited and offered high
inducements to our citizens to colonize Texas. That, from the diversity of
character, habits, religion, and political opinions, necessarily led to the
separation, without the interference of the United States in any manner
whatever. It is true the United States^ t an early period, recognised the
independence of Texas; but, in doing so, it is well known they but acted in
conformity with an established principle to recognise the government de facto. They
had previously acted on the same principle in reference to Mexico herself, and
the other Governments which have risen on the former dominions of Spain on this
They are equally without responsibility for that state of
things, already adverted to as the immediate cause of imposing on them, in
self-defence, the obligation of adopting the measure they have. They remained
passive, so long as the policy on the part of Great Britain, which has led to
its adoption, had no immediate bearing on their peace and safety. While they
conceded to Great Britain the right of adopting Whatever policy she might deem
best, in reference to the African race, within her own possessions, they on
their part claim the same right for themselves. The policy she has adopted in
reference to the portion of that race in her dominions may be humane and wise;
but it does not follow, if it prove so with her, that it would be so in
reference to the United States and other countries, whose situation differs
from hers. But, whether it would be or not, it belongs to each to judge and
determine for itself. With us it is a question to be decided, not by the
Federal Government, but by each member of this Union for itself, according to
its own views of its domestic policy, and without any right on the part of the
Federal Government to interfere in any manner whatever. Its rights and duties
are limited to protecting, under the guarantees of the Constitution, each
member of this Union, in whatever policy it may adopt in reference to the
portion within its respective limits. A large number of the States has decided,
that it is neither wise nor humane to change the relation which has existed,
from their first settlement, between the two races; while others, where the
African is less numerous, have adopted the opposite policy.
It belongs not to the Government to question whether the
former have decided wisely or not; and if it did, the undersigned would not
regard, this as the proper occasion to discuss the subject. He does not,
however, deem it irrelevant to state that, if the experience of more than half
a century is to decide, it would be neither humane nor wise in them to change
their policy. The census and other authentic documents show that, in all instances
in which the States have changed the former relation between the two races, the
condition of the African, instead of being improved, has become worse. They
have been invariably sunk into vice and pauperism, accompanied by the bodily
and mental inflictions incident thereto—deafness, blindness, insanity, and
idiocy—to a degree without example; while, in all other States which have
retained the ancient relation between them, they have improved greatly in every
respect—in number, comfort, intelligence, and morals—as the following facts,
taken from such sources, will serve to illustrate:
The number of deaf and dumb, blind, idiots, and insane, of
the negroes in the States that have changed the ancient relation between the
races, is one out of every ninety-six; while in the States adhering to it, it
is one out of every six hundred and seventy-two—that is, seven to one in favor
of the latter, as compared with the former.
The number of whites, deaf and dumb, blind, idiots, and
insane, in the States that have changed the relation, is one in every five
hundred and sixty-one; being nearly six to one against the free blacks in the
same States.
The number of negroes who are deaf and dumb, blind, idiots,
and insane, paupers, and in prison, in the States that have changed, is one out
of every six; and in the States that have not, one out of every one hundred and
fifty-four; or twenty-two to one against the former, as compared with the
Taking the two extremes of North and South—in the State of
Maine, the number of negroes returned as deaf and dumb, blind, insane, and
idiots, by the census of 1840, is one out of every twelve ; and in Florida, by
the same returns, is one out of every eleven hundred and five ; or ninety-two
to one in favor of the slaves of Florida, as compared with the free blacks of
In addition, it deserves to be remarked, that in
Massachusetts, where the change in the ancient relation of the two races was
first made, (now more than sixty years since,) where the greatest zeal has been
exhibited in their behalf, and where their number is comparatively few, (but
little more than S,000 in a population of upwards of 730,000,) the condition of
the African is amongst the most wretched. By the latest authentic accounts,
there was one out of every twenty-one of the black population in jails or
houses of correction; and one out of every thirteen was either deaf and dumb,
blind, idiot, insane, or in prison. On the other hand, the census and other
authentic sources of information establish the fact, that the condition of the
African race throughout all the States, where the ancient relation between the
two has been retained, enjoys a degree of health and comfort which may well
compare with that of the laboring population of any country in Christendom; and
it may be added, that in no other condition, or in any other age or country,
has the negro race ever attained so high an elevation in morals, intelligence,
or civilization.
If such be the wretched condition of the race in their
changed relation, where their number is comparatively few, and where so much
interest is manifested for their improvement, what would it be in those States
where the two races are nearly equal in numbers, and where, in consequence,
would necessarily spring up mutual fear, jealousy, and hatred, between them? It
may, in truth, be assumed as a maxim, that two races differing so greatly, and
in so many respects, cannot possibly exist together in the same country, where
their numbers are nearly equal, without the one being subjected to the other.
Experience has proved that the existing relation, in which the one is subjected
to the other, in the slaveholding States, is consistent with the peace and
safety of both, with great improvement to the inferior; while the same
experience proves that the relation which it is the desire and object of Great
Britain to substitute in its stead, in this and all other countries, under the
plausible name of the abolition of slavery, would (if it did not destroy the
inferior by conflicts, to which it would lead) reduce it to the extremes of
vice and wretchedness. In this view of the subject, it may be asserted, that
what is called slavery is in reality a political institution, essential
to the peace, safety, and prosperity of those States of the Union in which it
exists. Without, then, controverting the wisdom and humanity of the policy
of Great Britain, so far as her own possessions are concerned, it may be safely
affirmed, without reference to the means by which it would be effected, that,
could she succeed in accomplishing, in the United States, what she avows to be
her desire and the object of her constant exertions to effect throughout the
world, so far from being wise or humane, she would involve in the greatest
calamity the whole country, and especially the race which it is the avowed
object of her exertions to benefit.
The undersigned avails himself of this occasion to renew to
the right honorable Mr. Pakenham the assurance of his distinguished
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