Monday, September 3, 2007


by the Sandwichman

I have to run off to work, but I wanted to leave you lazy Americans with a Labor Day holiday a "sandwich":

August 24, 2007: Are Americans too lazy?: U.S. workers can't compete globally unless they work harder, writes Fortune's Geoff Colvin.

September 2, 2007: Report: U.S. Workers Are Most Productive: U.N. Report: U.S. Workers Most Productive in World; Each Produces $63,885 of Wealth Per Year By Bradley S. Klapper, Associated Press Writer.

What a difference a week makes, eh?


  1. Sandiman,
    The week makes no difference. Colvin is still, and is likely to remain, a whore. Media people like Mr. Colvin are available for the sake of publishing any propagandist diatribe that may be requested of them by any organization with the economic influence to make life softer. My only surprise is that the article wasn't published in Forbes.

    My apologies to all the working girls of the world for giving them a bad name with that comparison.

    Why doesn't my name appear with a capital J? There is another jack with his own site.

  2. My apologies to all the working girls of the world for giving them a bad name with that comparison.

    I was going to scold you about that. Let's just say Colvin is a pimp.

  3. I get your drift, but in this case it would be the publishers of Fortune magazine who are the pimps. I guess the editor fits the same category. They control the content and choose the whore to carry out the deed. In this case the person who sells their soul for cash, and what ever other favors may be had, is prostituting his intellect. Assuming that intellect comes into the equation.

  4. well, i'm not sure about this, and i find it easy to believe that the right spins the numbers to say whatever they want, confident that their readers will not remember from one day to the next what they said,only that they felt good about it.

    but as a strict matter of logic, it doesn't look like the articles disagree with each other.

    if each amrican produces 63 thousand of wealth in a year and is paid about 40,000 for is effort

    but a chinese produces say, 12000 of wealth in a year and is paid about 400 for his effort

    then the American "can't compete"

    worse, if the American does it all in 37 hours per week, and the Chinese works 60 hours per week, the American is failing to compete because of "laziness."

    shr bu shr?

  5. The thing I am now curious about is obesity rates. Okay, so we lazy Americans are productive. That means that we obese americans are...healthy? Morgan Spurlock didn't see this coming...

  6. Jack,
    Now you're giving Pimps a bad name!!

  7. Productivity can be more or less efficient but efficiency is not equivalent to productivity.
    Productivity measurement for most service sector jobs is an excercise in efficiency measurement -- Pimp may help sell but isn't doing the work.


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