Saturday, September 1, 2007


The main shortcoming of the design here, aside from the fact that it sucks deeply, is the lack of the extended post feature where for long posts the continuation is found under a link. A proposed hack for that problem is here, but when we tried it we got a 404 error. Any suggestions for a fix would be welcome. Leave them in the comments. Other suggestions to improve the design are welcome. Blogger says the overall width we are using is best to fit the widest variety of browsers and monitors, so that won't change. Otherwise we are wide open for improvements.


  1. You might check this out. It works in Nuevo Blogger for me, though note that I have an Old Blogger template and haven't tried it elsewhere.

  2. I would appreciate a bit more margin between the columns. Adding 5px to the 'newsidebar' and the 'sidebar' would probably do it. Or you might add a different background color to the center to keep posts separated from side bar content to increase readability.

  3. If I knew how I'd do the background thing. I tried and turned the whole page dark blue. If you know some HTML I can send you the template and test if with your revisions.

  4. I have a revised template which provides colors on the sidebars to frame the central content and provides better margins all around. Please contact me at dumluks AT dumluks DOT com with an address I can send the template to.

  5. I have a suggestion you can preview.


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