Friday, October 12, 2007

Irony Alert: Stock Market Punishes American Airline for NOT Going Bankrupt

"During the industry downturn after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, American was one of the most frugal spenders and, in some areas, aggressive cost-cutters as Mr. Arpey avoided the easier path taken by rivals in bankruptcy-court proceedings. Now, investments to improve operations for the long haul, including better customer service and new aircraft interiors, are adding to the carrier's high costs. "They have a lot more work ahead of them than other names because of the fact that they haven't been through bankruptcy," said Standard & Poor's airline equity analyst Jim Corridore, who has a "hold" recommendation on the stock."


  1. I apologize for doing this, but for the second time when I try to access this blog, all I get is a small portion, with this the only posting I can comment on. I am not able to see the posting I put up a few hours ago on "Turkey-Armenia-Kurdistan: The Great Unraveling." Therefore, I wish to apologize to any who have commented (if any beyond myself have), as I cannot even read your comments, much less reply.

    I also apologize to michael perelman for cluttering up his posting with this drivel, but there is a problem with this blog.
    This followed a long period during which I was dumped from being a poster at all, which was only resolved earlier today, only now to have this problem. Bah!!!

    Oh yes, needless to say this also applies to the postings on carbon emissions and trade, which I can no longer see or comment on. Sorry.


  2. I occasionally have the same difficulty as Barkley when viewing this blog. FWIW, this only happens when I use Internet Explorer but never with Firefox.

  3. I have been having problems myself. On my Whatever Happened post, I could not make the "read more" function work in Firefox, although reading it in later in Explorer worked. I reposted the note in Explorer, and the opposite happened. The whole venture wasted more than an hour.

    I am glad I am not the only Bozo in town. I don't have any problems like this with Wordpress. I wish there were a way to move.

  4. This has been gone over sometime ago. BK allows the company to blow off the union contracts and employee pensions and benefits and come out as a lower cost competitor. QED

  5. Stock market India is volatile and all those who speculate in market are loosing everyday. Please remember stock market is not for speculation purpose. If one feel investing in stock market is gamble then its better to think again.
    One should always note that if they want to invest money they should do proper research be it fundamental research or technical research. Just think how come you can invest
    your money without any convincing reason for the same?
    Indian stock market is one of the most happening and emerging market. Major Indian stock exchanges are BSE and NSE and both are of world class standards.
    So grab good stocks and invest that’s the bottom line.
    We hope to see you in major profits.


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