Wednesday, December 12, 2007

CNN Caught Mimicking Faux News with Iran Nuclear Weapons "Speculative Documentary"

CNN was to air today a "speculative documentary" entitled "We Were Warned - Iran Goes Nuclear" with actors playing real officials and hyperventilating on the now discredited non-data about Iran's nonexistent nuclear weapons program. The program has been postponed for now, given the recent NIE report. This shows how CNN has been under pressure to imitate the war hysteria of Faux News. An old friend of mine, who is quite progressive, was involved in helping make this, and had been bamboozled by briefings from unnamed national security officials. Details on this story are available from Bill Gallagher at, and if this is not right, you can find it by linking through today's posting by Juan Cole.


  1. And what do you think of Obadiah Shoher's arguments against the peace process ( )?

  2. Alex,
    The posting you cite is all about the peace process between the Palestinians and the Israelis. That is not a topic of my posting, and I am not going to comment on it here and now. Simply irrelevant to our dealings with the Iranian nuclear issue.

    BTW, some might think they are related, and the Israeli government has been reported to have been arguing that Iran has a nuclear program the US should "do something" about, while Cheney has been reported to think that the Israelis should "do something" about it. For what it is worth, I just saw a report, sorry no link or source (forget exactly where it was, but recent) that showed that a majority of Isrealis were against both Israel and the US initiating military action against Iran. So, neither of us should do anything about it other than making sure Iran lets the IAEA in to inspect thoroughly and make sure that they are following the stated policy of their Head of State and Commander-in-Chief not to build nuclear weapons and only develop a civilian nuclear power program, which they are allowed to do under the NPT.



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