Friday, February 15, 2008

NYC Mayor Joins the Coalition Against the Fiscal Stimulus

OK, the bill has been signed into law and the checks are in the mail, but this did not keep Michael Bloomberg from having his say:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg has unleashed another flurry of jabs on Washington, ridiculing the federal government's rebate checks as being "like giving a drink to an alcoholic" on Thursday, and said the presidential candidates are looking for easy solutions to complex economic problems. The billionaire and potential independent presidential candidate also said the nation "has a balance sheet that's starting to look more and more like a third-world country."

Ouch! But the mayor did have praise for another idea:

His tirade against the candidates and the economic stimulus package on Thursday began when he was asked how that experiment is going. In his answer, he praised Democrat Barack Obama for the plan the Illinois senator outlined on Wednesday that would create a National Infrastructure Reinvestment Bank to rebuild highways, bridges, airports and other public projects. Obama projects it could generate nearly 2 million jobs. Last month, Bloomberg and Govs. Arnold Schwarzenegger of California and Ed Rendell of Pennsylvania announced a coalition that would urge more investment in infrastructure. "I don't know whether Senator Obama looked to see what I've been advocating, or not - you'll have to ask him - but he's doing the right thing," Bloomberg said.

1 comment:

  1. "the presidential candidates are looking for easy solutions to complex economic problems..."

    Good observation from Bloomberg. But now that Governments and corporations have shown their inability to handle any volume of investment money who will? Who will protect the integrity of the funds and oversee the infrastructure improvements? Someone with integrity please put your hand up!


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