Friday, March 14, 2008

Where's my Dutch pump when I need it?

I learn from NPR this am that a penny contains 1.7 cents worth of copper. I'm stoking up the furnace as I write!

On an unrelated topic, I'm waiting to see if Krugman is playing by Obama rules. Several times in past columns he has raked Obama over the proverbial coals for using Republican-sounding talking points in criticizing Clinton's health-care proposals and in calling for a fix for social security. Of course, Obama has never implied that any Republican candidate had a health-care plan that was preferable to Clinton's. Clinton, on the other hand, has said that she and McCain (and presumably Sinbad and Cheryl Crowe) have, while Obama has not, crossed the "commander-in-chief threshold." This is really inexcusable. Don't you think, Paul?


  1. I was hoping that this site might be a respite from the continual candidate partisanship that has infected most of the rest of the blogosphere.

    Oh, well...

  2. Robert: point taken. I will restrain myself going forward.


  3. I think Kevin is entitled to this one, since some of us ripped into him a while back for something he said about a Krugman column. As one of the rippers, I agree completely with this post: Clinton's statement is reprehensible, and Krugman's silence is unfortunate.


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