Monday, May 26, 2008

David Warsh on the JMU economic complexity conference: "A Brave Army of Heretics"

David Warsh has posted an 8-page discussion of the conference held on May 17 at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, VA that John Horgan has also discussed ("chaoplexity," not my "chaoplexology"). Warsh discusses broader issues of complexity, but also declares that when he came to the conference he was "slightly surprised at the real progress that had been made..." His article is available in the latest issue of the independent weekly, Economic Principals, under the title of "A Brave Army of Heretics" (which comes from a passage in Keynes's General Theory).

Warsh's posting has also been linked on Economist's View run by Mark Thoma. I have to thank Dave for his kind remarks about me and Mark for giving the whole thing more publicity. Warsh's post provides lots of links, including to my earlier post here and John Horgan's post.


  1. Oh, the label Mark Thoma put on his post that basically just has all the links is "Chaoplexity and the Complexitarians," which this latter term is one that I think he just made up.


  2. Rosserjb: Might I suggest embedding links in your posts, rather than writing out "Such and such can be accessed at http://..."?

  3. A very good article. Thanks for linking.

  4. I thank Diane Warth for fixing things in terms of the hyperlinking.


  5. I note that Tyler Cowen has just posted about this matter on the widely read blog, Marginal Revolution, with a link to this posting by David Warsh.



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