Monday, July 28, 2008

Tom Coburn

The New York Times has an article today about Tom Coburn, a right-wing, antiabortionist, ultraconservative, probably wingnut.

Coburn makes a practice of putting folds on legislation techniques that needs with this disapproval. Where was the Democratic senator who hold the spying bill or war funding?

I do not know if he has strong principles or if he is just playing to his conservative constituency, but I wish that the Democrats have somebody with a tenacity to do something other than to cower before the right-wing.


  1. perelman,
    Not to be unkind, but you need to read your post over or submit it to your copy editor. It's comperhensible, but sounds like you've been drinking.

  2. "...but I wish that the Democrats have(had) somebody with a tenacity to do something other than to cower before the right-wing."

    That would require that the electorate start electing people with an inclination toward good government. What chance do you think someone like Nader or Chomsky woould have in a Congressional or Senatorial election? Slim to none I would suggest.

  3. Sorry. I use voice recognition software.


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