Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Kudlow on Corker’s Plan to Save GM

Forgive me but I did a silly thing this morning – I ventured over to read what the National Review was saying about the automobile bailout controversy. Is Lawrence Kudlow guilty of more mendacity or stupidity or both:

“Who lost the U.S. car business?” Right after the UAW vetoed a compromise, bankruptcy-lite, Detroit-little-three rescue plan put together by Tennessee Republican Bob Corker, UAW president Ron Gettelfinger played the blame game by blasting Corker and the Republican party for “singling out” union workers to shoulder the burden of reviving the U.S. car business. In truth, the UAW is to blame. If Sen. Corker’s plan had prevailed, with UAW support, many believe it would have had 90 votes in the Senate. GM could have gone forward with a clean-as-a-whistle balance sheet under a three-part restructuring plan that included a $60 billion bond-refinancing cram-down, a renegotiation of the $30 billion VEBA health-care trust, and a pay-restructuring plan that would put Detroit compensation levels in line with those of foreign transplants Honda, Toyota, Nissan, and BMW. Average compensation for the Detroit little three is $72.31. Toyota’s average wage is $47.60, Honda’s is $42.05, and Nissan’s is $41.97, for an average of $44.20. So Corker’s idea was to bring that $72 a lot closer to that $44.

Kudlow should know by now that this $72 an hour compensation claim is a crock. Count this claim as mendacity. But 90 votes in the Senate for Corker’s plan – that is off the charts! As far as a clean-as-a-whistle balance sheet, doesn’t Kudlow know how to read a balance sheet with GM’s showing about $170 billion in liabilities exceeding the book value of its assets by about $60 billion.

The ultimate whopper in this Kudlow canard was that Corker was trying to negotiate in good faith while the “UAW refused to make concessions”. If I were a conservative, I’d be completely embarrassed with the serial garbage that gets published under the name The National Review.


  1. Isn't it a fact that the $72/hour figure represents the costs to GM of labor, present and past, that resulted from negotiations with the UAW? As a mere citizen, it doesn't matter to me that some of the figure represents pension liabilities; it's sufficient to know that it is a direct result of a premium GM pays attributable to labor, not materials, energy, rent, etc.

  2. Love him? Hate him? How do YOU feel about our soon to be former President? Take part in a chance to immortalize your views in book form by visiting http://goodbyegeorgew.com/ and letting your opinion be read!

    Check out the following article about http://goodbyegeorgew.com/:


    With the whole world watching the Obama transition kick in it’s easy to forget about the outgoing warmongerer-in-chief who rode to political power on his daddy’s coat-tails. Without so much as winning the popular vote the first time around George W. Bush took the White House in 2000. In 2004 he stayed the course for a second term thanks to classic Klan-style intimidation tactics in battleground states that squeaked the Bush /Cheney team back in for a total eight years on Pennsylvania Avenue. Surprisingly enough some semblance of Planet Earth survived and in retrospect we will miss the factual misstatements and grammatical blunders of the Presidential Poster boy for “No Child Left Behind” education.

    Before he leaves office U.S. citizens and people form around the world are finally getting their chance to tell President Bush what they think. The new website www.goodbyegeorgew.com is building the democracy that the Bush Administration has worked so hard to erode. While welcoming sarcasm it is providing a general forum to write to the soon-to-be-unemployed President and give him your candid opinion by speaking out.

    Letters are actively being sought to put the democracy and free speech back into America despite the hard work of the Homeland security team to eradicate it forever.

    Of course this Goodbye George W. site comes replete with great political memorabilia on sale for the “historical” collectors. But what caught my attention is that the founder, Kate Wheeler, who I recently spoke with, is not making a hard sell on her goods but is more interested in putting the participation back into democracy and American politics.

    This farewell to Bush will later be published into an e-book so anyone leaving their comments will be a part of this historic catharsis and collector’s item in itself.

    I hope that the incoming President will get a hint from this as well and seek his own avenues to stay in touch with the opinion of the people that he was elected to represent. Once in office it wouldn’t be a shock if he gives his ears principally to the likes of Citigroup and J.P. Morgan, who were among the 10 biggest donors to the Obama campaign, (despite his “no strings attached campaign” propaganda).

    The real change America needs is a White House and Government that listen to the people and www.goodbyegeorgew.com is a step in the right direction. It gives ordinary space for people to send our opinions to Washington. Of course, in this case, we’re giving our opinion to the man who is packing his bags (hallelujah), but it’s a good start on bringing back real democracy.

    Anyone interested in setting a new course for democracy in this country should click over to this website and write their own heartfelt send off to the man who stole the presidency and steered a course into the diplomatic dark ages.

  3. jimbino,
    You're only partially correct. The so-called legacy portion of GM's stated hourly labor cost is a cost that GM encumbered itself with ten, twenty and in some cases thirty years ago. The laborers receiving the payments of those legacy costs are no longer working. They are receiving their deferred compensation, what we so quaintly call retirement benefits, which GM guaranteed to previous employees in leiu of paying them higher wages during that past period. Yes, it gets a bit confusing. GM failed to take prudent steps in setting aside funds that would adequately assure that the promise of deferred compensation would be funded. Don't ignore that that promise was in fact a contractual agreement.

  4. You warned us. You put "Kudlow" in the title. Why, oh why did I click?

  5. "Is Lawrence Kudlow guilty of more mendacity or stupidity or both"?

    I assume that this question is purely rhetorical....


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