Tuesday, October 27, 2009

"Peter H." Is A Weiner!

"I really don't like this strident new tone of yours, Sandwichman/Walker. What's with all the hostility?" -- Peter H.
Don't even think of coming around the campfire when I'm roastin' marshmallows, Peter H.!


  1. How about singing around that campfire:

    "Chet's nuts roasting on an open fire ...."

  2. The reference to Chet is not all that clear, and the ditty only makes sense if Chet is real.

    Otherwise, I like the more strident persona that has emerged from the former Sandwichman. But who is this guy Walker? And where has the rest of the crew gone off to? We can't be relying on Max to fill in the gaps.

  3. Econspeak is dead. Long live Sandwichmanspeak.

  4. Yah where did everybody go? Was there a bloodless coup?

  5. rppe,

    Well, there is this minor detail that we were just exposed to a denunciation of the very idea that any tenured profs had any right to even dare to try to discuss the issue of unemployment. I leave it to you to figure out who engaged in this denunciation.

    Now, some of the co-bloggers here are tenured profs, although none of us are at "leading institutions," largely because most of us have records of being troublemakers in the past. Some of us have even been unemployed and tenured faculty are being laid off around the US, although admittedly at a much lesser rate than in most professions and positions.

    Now, Walker may like the idea of Econospeak becoming the "Glenn Beck of the left," but some of us are not really keen on getting into conversations that rapidly devolve into flame throwing contests if one is not totally kissing the behind of the poster.

  6. "Now, Walker may like the idea of Econospeak becoming the "Glenn Beck of the left,"

    Now that is a rather extreme characterization. in his worst form Walker presents a reasonably intelligent conversation. In his best form Beck sounds and acts like an idiot. The most persistent and irritating aspect of progressive thought and discussion (I really don't think "the left" is a relevant term any longer. Left of what? Uncle Herb.)
    is that the participants are only too happy to divide into their little cells of ideas. Rather than look for common ground against a wily and deceitful antagonist (those followers of Uncle Herb) they would rather be at the top of their own mountain and viewing that enemy across the valley below, where the rest of us live.

  7. Jack,

    Actually, the "Glenn Beck of the left" is a characterization that Sandwichman himself used in an offlist discussion that is going on among the co-bloggers of this blog, and he used it in a positive way, as in "this is what we should do!"

  8. If he said that then I'll suggest that he should take back the analogy.
    Yes, we want our ideas to be heard and put forth in a strident manner to assist in the hearing. But Beck is a self serving ass hole who has difficulty telling the difference between success and prostitution. And even that characterization of Beck is an insult to prostitution. You'll be able to know when Glenn Beck is lying when you se his lips moving.

  9. Jack,

    I suspect that he has rethought the wisdom of this take on things.

    Of course, I think that Peter H. should be labeled a hamburger, all the better to pack him up for serving to an unsuspecting public as a meal in some greasy spoon truck stop somewhere...

  10. There is a real Chet from years ago but he is not associated with this Blog. The campfire/marshmallow comment reminded me of Chet who always took a contrary position on just about any topic. Besides, I was a big fan of Mel Torme.

  11. My preference is Chet Baker, but I'm not sure what to make of that coincidence of words.


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