Sunday, November 22, 2009

Galbraith Replies to Keyserling

Said Galbraith: "Mr. Keyserling has been reading my books and watching my actions for the last 10 years and finding evidence of wickedness which even I would not have thought possible. Feeling as he does, he was certainly right to alert the public."
Washington Post, February 15, 1968:
John Kenneth Galbraith, national chairman of the Americans for Democratic Action, took formal notice yesterday of charges that he has long been engaged in a devious campaign to defeat President Johnnson.

The accusations were leveled Tuesday by fellow economist Leon H. Keyserling in a protest against ADA's weekend endorsement of Sen. Eugene J. McCarthy for President.

Said Galbraith: "Mr. Keyserling has been reading my books and watching my actions for the last 10 years and finding evidence of wickedness which even I would not have thought possible. Feeling as he does, he was certainly right to alert the public."

1 comment:

  1. And yet Galbraith was one of those attending Keyserling's funeral.

    Not sure why this is posted. But thanks for the good picture of Keyserling. Not well remembered as the draftsman of the Wagner Act and other New Deal legislation, the Full Employment Act of 1946 and later with good input into the Humphrey-Hawkins bill. Also should be known as a relentless critic of the Treasury Accord.


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