Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy New Year ... And Goodnight.

My posting has become less and less frequent over recent months because of heckling from one of my co-bloggers. A communal blog is sort of like shared accommodation. The repetitive sniping from one individual has made me feel like an unwelcome guest in my own home.

I have written a book, which I would have hoped to promote on EconoSpeak as it progresses toward publication. Much of the analysis originated here or at MaxSpeak over the last eight years. I'll probably start up a new blog sometime in the future. Send me a note at lumpoflabor at gmail dot com and I'll put you on the announcement list. In the meanwhile, thanks for listening!


  1. Hmm... a tricky situation... How on earth do you think you'll go about making him aware of your feelings re: this? Something subtle....
    (slight sarc.).

    Hey, now you got me sniping at you too! You could unwittingly be some kinda unintentional trouble-making-scenario instigator...

  2. Sandwichman, please do not go away. We love you, in spite of all the buffoonery on my part.

  3. Tom
    Please reconsider. Whatever you decide, I wish you the very best for 2010.

  4. Maybe with this hiatus (temporary or permanent), Sandwichman may have time to digest Kurt Vonnegut's "Player Piano." Replaying the same tune does not necessarily improve it. A little improvization may help as with jazz in recognizing the need for change.

  5. Happy New Year to everyone!

    And BTW, what has happened to Mr.Sawicky?

  6. Walker,
    The site loses value with any loss of quality contribution. Your's I consider to be of a heigher quality than one generally finds on such sites. In fact I had intended to spend a little more time here than at AB for the very reason that there is far less troll activity here and the sniping that does occur is of a very mild manner. Let it roll off my friend. Good commentary is hard to find. Sure I'll sign on to lumpoflabor, but two locations are better than one.

  7. PS:
    It's bad enough that we don't know what comments on the site may be attributable to Sawicky. Don't double up the loss. Personally I've learned a lot from reading the posts on this site. Help to keep my education and enlightenment growing.

  8. Max Sawicky said...
    "I'm on indefinite hiatus."

    I'm so sorry to hear of your misfortune. Is there any hope in regards to your mid-term prognosis?

  9. Hi, Max- Was a big fan of your MS blog, and I dropped out of the blogosphere for a while, only to see that you indeed appeared to be on a hiatus of some sort.

    I sincerely hope things work out for you.

  10. A while back I may have left a couple of brief comments here unlabeled, except for 'admin,' but I rarely comment in the first place, and in the second if I did weigh in on anything of substance I did not and will not do so on an anonymous basis.


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