Saturday, June 1, 2013

The Return of MaxSpeak

Hi folks. After the long hiatus, the urge to return to blogging is overwhelming. The revival will be constrained in a number of ways, given my place of employment. I can't be sure how much I will get done, since writing will be limited to weekends and evenings. This site -- EconoSpeak -- will go on with its bad self. The reason for posting here is I need a MaxSpeak fan who is also an HTML whiz to help me get the old site back up and running. Ideally this would include resurrecting the fabulous archives and comments. There may be some compensation possible, in addition to the eternal glory. (Definitely free advertising if you code for a living.) To get responses I've set up a hotmail account that will live and die just for this purpose. Use my name with middle initial b, no periods. has turned into


  1. So, would this be just you, or would others be able to participate as well? Or are all of us to stay here and do our thing(s)?

  2. Just me, to start. Need to tread carefully.

  3. Let the wild rumpus begin - after a tame rumpus, as is apparently necessary. It's nice to anticipate having you back, old MaxSpeak and new.

  4. I would love to see you back in action at MaxSpeak, sugar. Let me know when you're ready!

  5. Great! MaxSpeak has been much missed!

  6. Another good aspect of this is that I guess the Archives of the old Maxspeak will get unsealed. I confess there have been times when I wanted to get at some of my old posts there, but... I guess Sandwichman has some there too, and also Gar Lipow, and even, with fewer, Dean Baker a few, and a very few (maybe only one?) from incoming CEA Chair, Jason Furman, reminding us that Max has his links to power and influence, at least on some days, :-).

    Ah ha!

  7. Anyway, Max, all of us tamely rumpusing Econospeakers welcome you back under your old moniker, :-).

  8. If Max again speaks,

    I _will_ listen.


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