Monday, December 22, 2014

World is Going to Hell -- Send Money!

"Today, we're preparing for one of the toughest fights of our lives... but we can't do it without you."
Most of these incessant solicitations from "progressive organizations" skip the inbox and go directly to the trash folder. Enough of them slip through to leave a vague ambience of doom and desperation.

It all started with those Reader's Digest "sweepstakes" didn't it? Then came Richard Viguerie and the reign of Robotype machine mail order conservatism.

Now everyone's doing it... doing it... doing it.

Sandwichman will MAKE THEM STOP! 

But I need your help...


  1. Well you can count on my two cents.


  2. One of the ones I get all the time is a Reader Supported News site that I never asked for and consider to be basically useless. They have the most annoyingly whiney messages to my email. I sent them one telling me I did not want either any of their messages, but, of course, that just inspired them to send ever more. Ack!

  3. And I'm always getting urgent appeals to subscribe from publications I already subscribe to. I guess they've done the value calculation on Type I and Type II errors.

  4. Peter--Costs more to purge the mailing list (either actual mail or electronic) than they save by doing so...or at least so my friends who have worked in direct marketing tell me...


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