Thursday, January 7, 2016

Barkley's Surgery

Marina Rosser has posted the news that Barkley's open heart surgery went well, although it took a bit longer than anticipated, so he will have longer recovery time. 

We all wish Barkley well and a soon as possible recovery.


  1. Barkley posted a picture of him waving on Facebook.

    "Feeling better

    Gearing up to make progress and be ready to go back home

    Thanks to everyone"

    No thank you Barkley. And keep getting better.

  2. Thanks for letting us know Bruce and Sandwichman. I didn't know. Very glad to hear that Barkley is recovering okay.

  3. No wonder he did not answer me last week.

    Best of luck in the recovery. I assume you have the heart shaped pillow you cluck to your chest every time you teeter back and forth to get up. A word of advice: "Don't sneeze." I did and it felt like my chest was going to explode. It was an awwwwww, crap moment.

    Move slow and take your time in recovery. It took me a while and I was in great shape at the time. Even had cholesterol at 104 (still can not figure out that one). Any questions ask and I will be happy to relay my experience.

    Be wary of the removal of the tubes from your belly. It is not very scientific.

  4. My sincere wishes for a speedy and full recovery. The country can't afford to lose a good voice such as your own.

  5. Barkley does have that heart shaped pillow in the picture.

  6. Thanks, folks. I am at home now and recovering gradually. Just finally got on to FB and here for the first time earlier today.


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