Friday, January 25, 2019

BREAKING: Jimmy 'The Brute' DiNatale's daughter "used to put clothes on layaway"

The story starts in early 1985 when one Arthur Hall, a special agent of the F.B.I., was arrested following a four-month joint investigation by the New Jersey State Police and the F.B.I. into Hall's suspected involvement in an extensive motor-vehicle theft operation in the Atlantic City area. At that time Siligato was asserted to be a confidential informer of both the F.B.I. and the State Police. 
According to Sheeran's affidavit in support of the warrant, Hall, while being interrogated after his arrest by State Police Detective Sergeant Grusemeyer, told Grusemeyer that Siligato had been involved with him, Hall, in the criminal activities under investigation and that Siligato had "once told him (Hall) that he (Siligato) had beaten up a Puerto Rican individual who later died from the said beating and that Jimmy DiNatale, Sr. helped him (Siligato) get away with the crime." Although Hall told Grusemeyer that the murder had taken place in Atlantic County, he, Hall, "was not sure about the time period of the offense." The affidavit goes on to recite that thereafter Lieutenant Kaufman of the State Police interrogated Hall further on that subject. Hall told Kaufman that Siligato operated two businesses on two separate properties in Hammonton, the Silly Gator Bar and the Elm Deli. Hall also recalled that his conversation with Siligato respecting the murder took place in the summer or fall of 1982 and that Siligato had then told him that the victim had owed him money. Hall further told Kaufman that Siligato had a quick and violent temper and that he, Hall, had helped Siligato construct forms for pouring concrete for steps and front and rear pads at the Elm Deli "two or three years ago." Hall was not, however, present when the concrete was poured. Sheeran's affidavit further explained that the Jimmy DiNatale referred to by Hall, who had died in 1983, was "a significant criminal associate of the Bruno Crime Family."
"I was raised by a single mom who used to put clothes on layaway. I wasn't raised in privilege." -- Kellyanne Conway

From Philly Voice News:
DiNatale bought cigarettes for his vending company, Logan, from Bruno, and later from Raymond "Long John" Martorano, who worked under Bruno in the mob. 
After Bruno was killed in March 1980, Martorano came to directly sell smokes to DiNatale and then Siligato. 
Siligato eventually bought the Logan vending company from DiNatale, he said. 
There were always closer cigarette distributors, but they “liked doing business” with Bruno because it gave them “advantages.” 
“People do business with you because they know who he (Bruno) was and what he did,” Siligato said. 
Providing vending machines – smokes, jukes, pinball and later video games – to bars was “a way to maneuver into the bar business.”  
DiNatale would loan money to a bar owner, explained Siligato. In return he would place his vending machines in a bar. Then he would visit the bars “to make collections.”


  1. So, S-man, is one or another of these characters the late father (or other relative) of Kellyanne Conway? I, for one, do not know what her maiden name was or anything at all about her family background.

  2. Kellyanne Conway is nee Fitzpatrick. DiNatale was her grandfather -- her mother's father. The only reason I bring this up is that in an interview with Chris Cuomo yesterday, Kellyanne invoked her "under-privileged" upbringing as credential of the "compassion" she had for unpaid government workers. Think of the suffering and indignity! Her poor, poor mom had to buy clothes on layaway! LAYAWAY, fer chrissakes!

    I am old enough to remember when putting things on layaway was not a mark of grinding poverty. It was a service stores provided to customers to enable them to put something aside that they weren't ready to purchase yet. A lot of Christmas gifts were bought on layaway -- because why spend the money before you need to?

    Seems to me that if Kellyanne is going to invoke her family as a credential, she shouldn't be so selective about it. Her granddad appears to have had a pretty lucrative racket (literally) going for him. The polite term for such an operation is "protection." "Nice bar you got here. Would be a shame if there was a fire or something. You wanna buy some cigarettes?" All on the up and up. Hey, just because Kellyanne's grandpa "associated" with mobsters, doesn't mean he was necessarily a criminal himself. That would be guilt by association (although that business with the Puerto Rican individual... I dunno)!

  3. OK, got it. Thanks for the clarification.


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