Saturday, August 10, 2019

Have We Been Blocked?

I just tried to read Econospeak and was told it was blocked due to "porn content."  Has  anyone else run into this?  Are we being hacked and suppressed?  It said "contact system administrator if this is wrong." Can this get fixed, please, somebody?

As it is, I am on vacation in Door County, Wisconsin right now.

Barkley Rosser


  1. I haven't encountered this either. Enjoy Door Co.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Deleted previous comment - confused Econospeak with another blog.

  4. Barkley:

    I am in and reading. Who moderates comments (like me at AB)?

  5. I remember your mail system at work had been compromised about a year ago? That would be another avenue for sourcing depending on how you are accessing the internet.. I have had no trouble with Econospeak.

  6. Who has the keys to can e-mail me if I can help?

  7. You're going to need to find the system administrator of the wifi hotspot you're tapping into, if you want to attempt to get this fixed. That's the person who set up blocking a bunch of comm ports, some of which are indeed likely used by porn sites to illicit info from its users, by giving them more or less unrestricted access to a user's device. I'm behind a similar situation using a community wifi having the same concerns. No problems here with the comm ports EconoSpeak is using. So I'm pretty sure you can get them unblocked, if it's worth your while. And if you can read this of course ;)

    John V

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  9. My feed is showing no EconcSpeak posts between August 4 ("Krugman on Trump and Trade") and today (August 11). So I don't know if anything got blocked or not...(I was off-line for most of the week, with access only via my phone).

  10. I was not able to get in this morning, but now I am in. Hopefully this problem is resolved, whatever or whoever was behind it. Thanks to any and all who helped get this fixed, which seems not to have affected most people.


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