Friday, December 27, 2019

Two Can’t Miss Sessions in San Diego Next Week

Well, I can’t miss them because I’m in them.  You can, but why would you?

Climate Crisis Mitigation: Implementing a Green New Deal and More
Union for Radical Political Economics: Paper Session
Friday, Jan. 3, 10:15am–12:15pm
Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego - La Jolla B

“Financial Bailout Spending Would Have Paid for Thirty Years of Climate Crisis Mitigation: Implementing a Global Green New Deal and Marshall Plan” – Ron Baiman, Benedictine University

“Green New Deal: Interdisciplinary Heterodox Approaches” – Mathew Forstater, University of Missouri–Kansas City; Fadhel Kaboub, Denison University; Michael Murray, Bemidji State University

“The Climate Crisis and the Green New Deal: The Issue Is the Issue, After All” – Peter Dorman, Evergreen State College (emeritus)

Chair: Ron Baiman

Socialism in the Twenty-First Century
Union for Radical Political Economics: Paper Session
Saturday, Jan. 4, 2:30–4:30pm
Manchester Grand Hyatt San Diego - Coronado E

“Integrating Long-Term and Short-Term Participatory Planning” – Robin Hahnel, American University (emeritus); Allison Kerkhoff, University of British Columbia

“Stable Job or iPhones? The Dilemma of Innovation in Socialism” – David Kotz, University of Massachusetts, Amherst; Mihnea Tudoreanu, University of Massachusetts, Amherst

“Information Technology and the Socialist Mode of Production: A Simulation of the Point Allocation System” – Daniel Saros, Valparaiso University

“Social Equity Funds in a Pluralist Socialism” – Peter Dorman, Evergreen State College (emeritus)

Chair: Robin Hahnel

For those of you who have registered for this conference, both of my papers are now available on the ASSA’s app.  Anyone else can click on the links for the two papers: Green New Deal and Social Equity Funds.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Peter: This looks like a great session. Robin Hahnel made me an economist. I was a phil major at U Md college park when Robin was an instructor in economics. I took his course on Comparative systems to satisfy a distribution requirement and was blown away, and then spent my junior and senior years taking as much economics as I could. He was my mentor, advising me to come to AU for grad school. He was on my thesis committee. He is a wonderful person and fantastic economist and activist -- also a diehard Redskins fan, something I never understood, since my attitude toward sports in general is very much Veblen's -- it's a reversion to barbarism! And Dan Saros was a student of mine at Bowling Green, one of the best I have ever had, who went on to Notre Dame before the Purge and thence to head the department at Valparaiso.

    Anyway, I wish I could be there! Cheers,



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