Tuesday, April 28, 2020

An Update on Shadow Government

Not only is the current level of testing for the coronavirus insufficient, the tests themselves are flawed.  Read this summary by infectious disease specialist Michael Osterholm and a coauthor for particulars.  Their key policy conclusion is
A blue-ribbon panel of public health, laboratory and medical experts, ethicists, legal scholars and elected officials should be convened immediately to set out a road map with realistic goals for testing and contact-tracing.
If we had a reliable government, it would get this done, but we don’t.  Concretely, one of the main jobs of a shadow government organized by Democrats would be to assemble this group and give it a regular, high profile platform.


  1. The need for a shadow government is critically important now, but I am wildly disappointed in the willful inability of Democrats to form such a shadow government. Joe Biden is a wild disappointment so far in this regard.

  2. I so want to applaud Joe Biden, since I am so frightened by the alternative, but there need to be complaints over the torpor about Biden now. This is a time of crisis.

  3. this would violate the covenanted decorum and the democratic party is completely inept at dealing with anything.

  4. There is no shadow government at the national level in the US, since Washington Democrats evidently lack interest or possibility in being so. As for the UK, since the ruining and leaving of Jeremy Corbyn there is no shadow government in evidence though a shadow government is sorely needed.

  5. As of April 29, the death rate in the UK for confirmed coronavirus cases is 15.8%. I know the need during this crisis to avoid political blame, but surely there should be questions raised from the Labour shadow government. However, Labour is simply praising Conservative leadership on the matter.

  6. Confirmed coronavirus cases in the US, as of April 29 in the afternoon, are 1.05 million, deaths are 61 thousand. Where then is the voice of Joe Biden or Nancy Pelosi or Charles Schumer?

  7. Well, at least we know that our shadow president has decided to abide by Trump policy on Israel and that obviously means Trump foreign policy in general. What a shadow...


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