Saturday, November 13, 2021

Disposable time, surplus population, and the limitation of the hours of labour

I'm on at 5:35 of the video. A little hoarse at 4 a.m.!


  1. Excellent session; I will listen again.

    Thank you.

  2. Yes very rewarding. I watched it at a more civilized hour than its original delivery time. I hadn’t realized before tuning in that Tom and I are neighbours here in Vancouver. I even attended SFU for a while years ago. Small world.

    I’m in full agreement with the radical reduction of working time - as you note, it’s as old and as important a working class demand as higher wages. It’s resurrection as a political demand is long overdue. Any plans to post the slide deck and maybe a transcript? The question of the development of the general social knowledge and its reappropriation from capital also raises the questions of universal basic income and/or services. One or another or a mix of the two seems to me an essential complement of shorter hours.

    Being in the housing business (on the non-market side) myself, I also enjoyed Javier’s talk. Appropriate housing seems an obvious candidate for a universal service…

  3. Thanks, anonymous and DJK for your kind words. Hey, DJK, we should get together for coffee some time! If you post a comment on Angry Bear, I get to see your email address but it isn't published on the blog.

  4. Listened again, taking notes. Terrific stuff.

    Thank you so much.

  5. Possibly writing about applications of Marx theories could be considered in future. I would surely welcome consideration and discussion of specific applications. After all, Fukuyama was entirely wrong about history having ended in 1989 and Milanovic somewhat wrong now about "Capitalism, Alone."


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