Tuesday, February 1, 2022

Surgery Tomorrow

 I shall be having a parathyroid removed tomorrow at University of Virginia hospital. Will be going over this evening to avoid freezing fog.  So, I shall be out of commission for awhile.

Barkley Rosser


  1. Best wishes for a speedy and complete recovery, Barkley!

  2. You will be in my thought and hopes. Please be well.

  3. wow Barkes I have no idea of what that is but I do hope everything goes well

  4. I am home, with the surgery successful. I am also wacked out on pain meds. I also will be limited in my activities doe the next several days, not able to teach as surgery was near vocal chords, so I cannot speak much.

    I am slso breaking the advice of my wife, Marina, by posting this. She has wisely noted given how out of it I am I should not be posting, and mostly I am not commenting on blogs. But given kind thoughts expressed here, I shall break her advice to let you all know the outcome as of now, and hopefully I have not bungled things up.


    One has four parathyroids that are near the thyroid, and thus near vocal chords. They control calcium in the body, and mine was out of whack, which is bad for kidneys and strokes and other stuff. Removal was needed.

  5. My Dad had that done...best wishes on a speedy recovery.

  6. i had thyroid removed in 2014.... large mass small risk indicated.

    turned out clean of cancer. the risk reward of leaving half was they would go in again and take it all if the biopsy was positive.

    they left the para's

    i am doing fine on thyroid hormone replacement.

    rest voice a few days shpuld be okay,

    best wu=ishes

  7. Thanks Barkes,

    As a veteran of around 5 operations get well quick.

  8. Just saw this, Barkley. Good to hear it went OK. You and Marina have been through a lot lately.

  9. Get well soon, Barkley. Your "voice" on the page is fine.

  10. I am recovering, not all the way back to OK. But, thanks to you all wishing me the best.


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