Monday, May 25, 2009

The scaffold of 1974

This week I found myself collecting together some memorabilia from 1974 to provide as a gift to a friend born in that year. I found evidence of the scaffold that swayed our future.

Wernher Von Braun (founder of modern rocket science and former vice president of Fairchild Industries) told Dr Carol Rosin (former corporate manager of Fairchild Industries 1974-1977) that the reasons for space-based weaponry were all based on a lie. He said that the strategy was to use scare tactics – that first the Russians, then the terrorists are going to be considered the enemy…. “I was at a meeting in Fairchild Industries in the War Room. The conversation [was] about how they were going to antagonize these enemies and at some point, there was going to be a Gulf War….” [1]

The ex-ambassador to Saudi Arabia, James E. Akins… argued [around 1980] that Kissinger acquiesced in the Shah-led oil price hikes beginning in 1974 to provide Iran with the finances to help out ailing Northrup, McDonnell Douglas, General Dynamics, Boeing, Grumman and Litton Industries. In 1974, as oil prices spiralled upward, the Shah launched what, if completed, would have been the most ambitious nuclear program in the Third World: 20 power plants to generate 23,000 megawatts of nuclear capacity by 1994. The Shah and his small industrial elite were in large part motivated by the huge kickbacks to be gained in the negotiations of each reactor contract. The, corporate vendors, on the other side, were reacting to dwindling sales at home and were often backed by substantial export credit offerings from the home governments.[2]

1974 - ‘The Khemlani Affair’ in Australia. Australian oligopoly media barons ran the most intensive campaign of attack against the Federal Labor (Whitlam) Government when it tried to borrow large sums of money directly from Middle East nations instead of through the (more expensive) US Morgan-Stanley Wall Street monopoly. [3]

The beginning of the ‘supply-side economics’. How a deranged cult hijacked economics. A meeting in Washington in 1974 between Arthur Laffer, an economist, Jude Wanniski, an editorial page writer for the Wall Street Journal and Dick Cheney, then deputy assistant to President Ford. “Notions that would have been laughed at a generation ago ... are now so pervasive, they barely attract any notice.” [4]

1974 –Prediction of the global consolidation of corporate giants. “Their bookkeeping will be the real story of international relations.”

“The world influence of the major corporations grows by the year as the multinational organizations overlaps political frontiers and undercuts the authority of nation states. Professor Howard Perlmutter has predicted a degree of global consolidation among the corporate giants that will, by 1985, place the bulk of the world’s economic power in the hands of two hundred multinational firms, possibly by then incorporated under the United Nations or World Bank. Many of these firms will be tied into “trans-ideological mergers” with socialist governments – like the recent agreement of the Soviet state insurance agency to underwrite American investments in the third world against the risk of expropriation or the much rumoured Russian-American-Japanese venture to exploit Siberian oil – and so will have more to do with the shape of world affairs than the official foreign ministries. Their bookkeeping will be the real story of international relations.” [5]

Who you think need war
Who own the oil
Who do no toil
Who own the soil
Who is not a nigger
Who is so great ain't nobody bigger
Who own this city
Who own the air
Who own the water [6]

[1] Testimony of Dr Carol Rosin
December 2000
From Duncan Roads
by Carol Sue Rosin
Carol Rosin

[2] The Multinational Monitor
Business In the Shah's Iran
by John Cavanagh

[3] 'Oil in troubled waters' by Jim Cairns (former Deputy Prime Minister in the Labor Whitlam Government in Australia)

[4] How a cult hijacked American politics. Flight of the Wingnuts
by Jonathan Chait. Post date: 09.03.07. Issue date: 09.10.07

[5] ‘Where the Wasteland Ends – Politics and Transcendence in Post Industrial Society’ by Theodore Roszak. ISBN 0571 10581 5. 1972. Faber and Faber Limited, London.

[6] Somebody blew up America. AMIRI B 10/01


Shag from Brookline said...

Brenda, Do you have an 8"x10" glossy of Richard Milhous Nixon who resigned in 1974 to include with the memorabilia?

Myrtle Blackwood said...

Ah! Nixon is such an inspiration.

"Let us begin by committing ourselves to the truth, to see it like it is and to tell it like it is, to find the truth, to speak the truth and live with the truth."

Nixon's nomination acceptance speech, Miami, August 8, 1968.

"I am not a crook."
Richard Nixon. 17th November 1973
[Nixon was branded a liar and resigned in disgrace when threatened with impeachment over Watergate...which was the least of the crimes of Nixon and administration crimes.]

" Mother, I want to be an old-fashioned lawyer, an honest lawyer who can't be bought by crooks. "
Nixon aged 12, 1925.

"Victory for the Viet Cong would mean ultimately the destruction of freedom of speech for all men for all time, not only in Asia but in the United States as well."
Nixon 1965

" I rate myself a deeply committed pacifist.Nixon, 1971

"Let us understand, North Vietnam cannot defeat or humiliate the United States - only Americans can do that."
Nixon, 1969

"I would not like to be a Russian leader - they never know when they're being taped."Nixon 1975

""The next time out, whenever you have the opportunity - I know you often use your principle "It's nice to have an enemy" - well, one of the best ones I can think of is John Kenneth Galbraith...this son-of-a-bitch has unmasked what these bastards, all these bright New Dealers, want. They want another OPA, they want to control the economy, they want to control wages and prices." He told Connally, "You get out there and make an issue of it - and destroy him on it....There ought to be a concerted effort by the whole administration to BLAST him - not just blast him, to say he's the economic spokesman for the left wing of the Democratic party, er, the ultra-liberal wing, or the liberal wing, here he's their chief economic guru...I sure think we ought to take him on, don't you? Make the Democratic candidates and spokesmen repudiate him. They ought to be asked questions, force the Democratic candidates to say, 'Do you support John Kenneth Galbraith on wage and price controls? Let 'em say, make 'em say....controlled economies, socialism...scare the hell out of the unsophisticated person who, at first blush, [might support Galbraith's views on the need for different kinds of economic measures]..."it's political as much as anything else - how, whether we play that game...[make Galbraith into a ] "terrible goblin"...."The way you do it is talk up 50,000 OPA cops, telling everybody, messin' in your business and so forth...everything is fixed, you can't change jobs, rationing...ruination...socialist, throw in the word 'socialist'...this is a socialist scheme, a scheme to socialise America. Now the intellectuals won't like it one bit but STICK it to 'em, that makes votes."..."It's really ironic to have these symps, these crawling bastards like Galbraith and Kennedy" [complaining about his dramatic new opening to China]."
Nixon taped in 1971

wellbasically said...

1974 should have been a banner year for you. It was the early days of technocratic control of the US economy through manipulation of currency levers. Isn't that what you want? If not then I'm confused.

Myrtle Blackwood said...

It sounds like you're..well..basically confused.

Why would an Australian want the US economy to be manipulated thus?

The US' 'strong dollar policy' has led to Australian resources being taken over by (mostly) US interests. The coup of 1975 involving CIA-Australian oligpoly media helpd a lot too.

The last Australian government that came anywhere near representing the Australian people faced threats clearly spelt out by the US ambassador at the time.

Personally I don't object to sharing Australian resources with the rest of the world. But not for idle and extremely wasteful consumption. And certainly not when it involves a severe loss of sovereignty over our lives and wellbeing, as this takeover does at present.