Sunday, November 1, 2009

London Calling

Tuesday Nov 3rd 7-9pm

The Centre for Environment & Sustainability (UWO) presents: Dr. Peter Victor –
"Managing Without Growth: Slower by Design, not Disaster"

Venue: Middlesex College Room 110

Growth, expansion, greater wealth – these have long been the standard policies of governments and business. But is growth effective in eliminating world poverty, solving unemployment, protecting the environment and contributing to individual happiness? What would happen to world economics if we had a no growth policy? Dr. Peter Victor will address these issues and others in his upcoming lecture as part of the E&S Special Lecture Series. An economist and Professor in Environmental Studies at York University, Dr. Victor has worked on environmental issues for nearly 40 years. Dr. Victor was one of the original founders of ecological economics and was the first President of the Canadian Society for Ecological Economics.

A reminder: Dr. Victor will be the guest author for E&S Reads – 10:30 to Noon, Nov. 3, 09 – Kresge Building Room 106. This is an excellent opportunity for a intimate discussion with the author. Copies of "Managing Without Growth" are available in the Bookstore.

Everyone is welcome to both events.
Presented by: The Centre for Environment and Sustainability, The Global and Ecosystem Health Interest Group at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry and The McConnell Family Foundation.


Douglas Smiley said...

The Clash!

gordon said...

Better not introduce Dr. Victor to Prof. Krugman, the apostle of growth. They might disagree violently!